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Coded Wire Tag Stocking Events

CWT Tag Type Agency Lake State/Prov. Year Species Strain Year Class Life Stage Stocking Method Clip Mark
63-04-54 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-55 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-56 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-52 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-53 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-54 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-55 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-56 cwt OMNR ER ON 2014 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2013 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-57 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-58 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-59 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-60 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-61 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-57 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-58 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-59 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-60 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-61 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-57 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-58 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-59 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-60 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-61 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-57 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-58 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-59 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-60 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-61 cwt OMNR ER ON 2015 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2014 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-89 cwt OMNR ER ON 2016 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2015 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-89 cwt OMNR ER ON 2016 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2015 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
63-04-89 cwt OMNR ER ON 2016 LAT Superior - Slate Island 2015 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
64-07-34 cwt USFWS ER PA 2018 LAT Lake Champlain 2017 yearling, age-1 unknown AD ---
59-01-80 cwt MIDNR MI MI 2019 CHS Lake Michigan 2019 spring fingerling, age-0 unknown AD ---
60-01-06 cwt USFWS ER PA 2000 LAT Michigan - Lewis Lake 1999 yearling, age-1 unknown AD ---
60-01-06 cwt USFWS ER NY 2000 LAT Superior - Marquette 1999 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD ---
60-01-89 cwt USFWS ER NY 2008 LAT Superior - Klondike 2007 yearling, age-1 boat, offshore stocking AD NONE
43-02-52 cwt LTBB MI MI 2015 LAH Michigan - Elk Rapids 2013 fall fingerling, age-0 shore stocking (truck, atv, snowmobile) UN OX