Event Details
Stock Id: 20132112
Agency Stock Id: 20323
Species: Brown Trout (BNT)
Strain: Ganaraska River (GAN)
Reported Strain: Ganaraska River(GAN)
Agency: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Canada (OMNR)
Hatchery: Chatsworth Fish Culture Station (CWC [OMNR])
Lake: Lake Ontario (ON)
State/Prov: Ontario (ON)
General Location: Western Basin
Specific Location: 50 Point Conservation Area
10-Min. Grid: 803 (ON)
Coordinates: 43.2259°N; -79.6242°W
LatLon Flag: 1 - Reported
Date: April 08, 2009
Method: unknown (u)
Life Stage: yearling, age-1 (y)
Age(months): 16
Year Class: 2007
Length(mm): Not Reported
Weight(g): 439.0
Clips: RV - Right Ventral (Pelvic)
Tags: None Reported
Tag Reten.: Not Reported
Marks: None Reported
Mark Eff: Not Reported
Condition: 99 - Not Reported
Number Stocked: 18,908
Yearling Equiv.: 18,908
Lot Code: 281s
Validation: level 10, data entered and verified at OMNR
Record Created: June 20, 2023, 2:55 p.m.
Record Last Modified: June 20, 2023, 2:55 p.m.
Additional Notes