Event Details
Stock Id: 10139
Agency Stock Id: Not Reported
Species: Lake Trout (LAT)
Strain: Seneca Lake (SEN)
Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Hatchery: Allegheny National Fish Hatchery (ANFH [USFWS])
Lake: Lake Ontario (ON)
State/Prov: New York (NY)
General Location: Dablon Point
Specific Location: Not Specified
10-Min. Grid: 322 (ON)
Date: May 21, 1986
Method: unknown (u)
Life Stage: yearling, age-1 (y)
Age(months): 16
Year Class: 1985
Clips: AD - Adipose

coded wire tag (CWT)

Marks: None Reported
Condition: 0 - unknown condition at stocking
Number Stocked: 40,300
Yearling Equiv.: 40,300
Additional Notes
GPS point estimated based on site name and no recent stocking history with GPS coordinates.
Coded Wire Tags
CWT Number Tag Type Manufacturer Event Count
60-43-43 Coded Wire Tag Northwest Marine Technology 1